The Stage of Diversity
Visual art in focus in 2025
On the Stage of Diversity, the emphasis is on small-scale projects and productions of performing arts aimed at diversifying the field of theatre, seeking to renew the field of performing arts in terms of professionals, content and forms. Therefore, the diversity of the residency projects can relate to the authors, the themes that are highlighted or the mediums that can combine different art forms, for example.
In 2025, the Stage of Diversity will focus on productions or projects that move between visual and performing arts. Let’s turn the Vinttikamari stage into a gallery space and create an installation there, for example! The work’s implementation and presentation time is a maximum of eight weeks between April and August 2025.
The outcome of the residency period up to a maximum of eight weeks must be something you can share with the public: for example, a complete performance, demo, process description, discussion session or event.
The Vinttikamari Studio is a small stage with limited technical possibilities. Therefore, the projects should focus on content and people, not on technical implementation.
Apply to the Stage of Diversity by
1) filling in the application form,
2) attaching a project plan, which must fit on one A4 page and
3) attaching the CVs of the applicants and basic information about the applicant group or organisation.
The project plan must clearly show how the project will diversify the field of performing arts in Finland. Be aware that the Vinttikamari Studio is a small stage with limited technical possibilities. Therefore, the projects should focus on content and people, not on technical implementation.
Apply by September 30, 2024. The selected production will be announced by early 2025. For more information, please contact Head of Production Sari Tanner, tel. +358 44 703 7113 and sari.tanner@oulunteatteri.fi.
Thank you to all applicants, the application period has ended!
For those selected to the Stage of Diversity, Oulu Theatre offers the following
– the Vinttikamari Studio premises for eight weeks in May-June (until Midsummer) and in August. The dates will be agreed upon with the selected group in February 2025. Vinttikamari is the smallest stage of Oulu Theatre with a capacity of 70 spectators.
– Premiere of the performance/demo/event is on August 2025 in the Oulu Arts Night and other possible performances/events after that.
— Introduction to the theatre premises and the studio space by a stage worker on the first day of the residency.
— Introduction to the use of the studio space by a lighting and sound technician on one of the first days as well as one day of consultation.
— An overseer for the performances
— Two different options for the layout of the stage/auditorium plus the option of completely empty space.
— Cooperation for communication and a mention on the theatre website.
— Dressing room and a break room.
— Where possible, one apartment for the use of the team.
The theatre will not provide
— Salaries nor daily allowances during the residency period
— Travel
— Accommodation except for one theatre apartment (for 1–2 persons)
What is the Stage of Diversity?
On the stage of diversity, the emphasis is on small-scale projects and productions of performing arts aimed at diversifying the field of theatre, seeking to renew the field of performing arts in terms of professionals, content and forms. Therefore, the diversity of the residency projects can relate to the authors, the themes that are highlighted or the mediums that can combine different art forms, for example. In 2025, the Stage of Diversity will focus on productions or projects that move between visual and performing arts.
Who can apply?
All professionals working in independent performing arts can apply to the stage of diversity: performers, groups of performers and organisations. In this year’s open call, we hope for proposals especially from professional visual artists. The selection will be made by the theatre team under the direction of the artistic director. No financial targets are set for the stage of diversity and the selected will not be employed by the Oulu Theatre.
The Vinttikamari Studio is a small stage with limited technical possibilities. Therefore, the projects should focus on content and people, not on technical implementation.