This is Oulu Theatre

Story of the theatre

Offering colourful experiences, insights and unforgettable stories, the Oulu Theatre is the home of northern theatre art. We are a forward-looking, nationally significant theatre that dares to be the talk of the town also by reaching out to new audiences and trying out new ways of working.

An organisation in the field of arts with over 100 employees, the theatre produces 7–8 premieres per year on four different stages. There are also a wide range of guest performances and the annual Children’s and Youth Theatre Festivals.


  • 1931 Oulun Näyttämö is established.
  • 1951 The name is changed to Oulun Teatteri (Oulu Theatre).
  • 1965 The municipal Oulu City Theatre is born.
  • 1972 The theatre building designed by Marjatta and Martti Jaatinen is completed.
  • 2012 The theatre becomes a limited liability company owned by the City of Oulu and is renamed Oulun teatteri (Oulu Theatre).


The Oulu Theatre makes magnetic, responsible and renewable theatre art. Our vision is to be a boldly renewable theatre for all. Our mission is making the work we do together feel alive and have an impact. Everything we do at the theatre is based on the vision and mission. Our values are creativity, joy and unity.

Esityskuva näytelmästä Edward Albeen Kuka pelkää Virginia Woolfia?
Esityskuva näytelmästä Ei kertonut katuvansa.

The theatre is alive, seeking new forms and evolving. We experiment with new things and seize ideas. Our safe and reliable working environment fosters creativity.

We have a positive attitude towards the work we do, we appreciate each other, and we work with a smile on our lips and a twinkle in our eyes.

We have more encounters both inside and outside the theatre. We improve cooperation with the city’s departments and other parties active in the field of culture. We strive for a culture of dialogue and mutual respect.

Equality and non-discrimination

The Oulu Theatre wants to be an arts institution and workplace that promotes equality, non-discrimination and diversity. The aim is to make the slogan of the Oulu Theatre strategy, Theatre for All, true by offering equal opportunities to all, integrating a more diverse range of people and world views in our productions, as well as ensure greater inclusiveness for viewers and experiencers.

Published in February 2023, the aim of the Equality and Non-discrimination Plan is to promote and develop transparent, legal and fair operations of the Oulu Theatre in a manner which supports the theatre’s strategic values of creativity, joy and unity. The plan will guide the theatre towards an increasingly diverse way of operating as an arts community and workplace.

Click here to read the Equality and Non-discrimination Plan (in Finnish).

Board of Directors

The Board members were appointed by the Annual General Meeting of Oulu City Theatre Ltd. on 16 May 2022.

Janne Hakkarainen, chair
Virpi Räisänen, vice chair
Taru Lehtinen
Lyly Rajala
Veikko Ervasti
Merja Pietilä, representative of the actors’ association