Post-Kabaree esityskuva
Saiturin joulu esityskuva

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  • A Christmas Carol

    A Christmas Carol, the classic story by Charles Dickens, has become firmly established as part of Western Christmas traditions. The central theme of the story, the power of kindness, has provided food for thought regarding social values and moral issues from one century to the next, and also proves relevant in the Oulu Theatre’s version.

  • Kinky Boots

    An award-winning Broadway musical Written by Harvey Fierstein with music and lyrics by Cyndi Lauper,…

  • Underwater Life

    Gentle and relaxing theatre experience for babies Jump into the waves and dive into an…

  • Nälkävuosi ennakkomarkkinointikuva

    White Hunger

    Visionary survival in a dystopian near future It is the year is 20X6, and Finland…

  • Destination

    A touching story of small and big life changes We all long for shelter –…

  • Theatre tour behind the scenes

    Peek behind the scenes Come and see how theatre is made! Theatre performances are the…

  • The magic of stories

    Culture and coffee for the elderly During a Magic of Stories! event, you can enjoy…

  • 2026: Ovlá

    Ovlá is an opera about the disappearance of truth and about profound loneliness. It tells the story of having one’s roots and cultural heritage torn apart. Ovlá is written by Sámi playwright Juho-Sire/Siri Broch Johansen, composed by Finnish composer Cecilia Damström with consultation from Sámi composer Ánndaris / Anders Rimpi and directed by Oulu Theatre’s…

  • 2026: Faravid’s Land

    Faravid’s Land is a work that combines theatre, dance, and contemporary circus to create a semi-fictional, mythical past for Oulu and Northern Finland. It is written by Eira Virekoski and directed by Alma Lehmuskallio and Pirjo Yli-Maunula. It is an immersive performance (ie. the audience is an active participant in a performance that unfolds all…

  • 2026: 100 % Oulu

    A hundred citizens of Oulu take to the stage in 100 % Oulu, a theatre production that gives a tangible voice to the citizens. The performers are selected through a statistical chain reaction so that they represent the city’s population as comprehensively as possible – as if the whole city were on stage in miniature.   

Näytä koko ohjelmisto

Seuraavat esitykset

Nälkävuosi ennakkomarkkinointikuva


Oulun teatterin pienellä näyttämöllä saa ensi-iltansa 4. huhtikuuta 2025 Nälkävuosi, joka on ihon alle menevä teos elämänhalusta, rakenteiden hauraudesta, yhteiskunnallisesta epätasa-arvoisuudesta ja kamppailun tarpeellisuudesta.  

Vauvateatteria keväällä

Oulun teatterin Vinttikamarissa saa ensi-aamunsa Merenalaista elämää -vauvateatteriesitys torstaina 6. maaliskuuta.

Kevään vierailut julkaistu

Oulun teatterin kevään 2025 ohjelmiston täydentää monipuolinen vierailutarjonta. Luvassa on muun muassa komediaa, stand uppia, dokumenttiteatteria, kuorokonsertteja ja tanssia. 
