Nälkävuosi ennakkomarkkinointikuva

White Hunger

Premiere on April 8, 2025

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Visionary survival in a dystopian near future

It is the year is 20X6, and Finland has experienced its first national water crisis after a cyber attack that contaminated all groundwater. This leads to the greatest famine in Finland since the 19th century. The crisis very brutally divides society to winners and losers.

As their home collapses, Marja and her children must embark on a frantic journey where distress and dreams are interposed. The speculative sci-fi story takes the viewer to a cruelly beautiful world where people, from poor survivors to the powerful and privileged, are struggling to survive in extreme conditions. Despite the deprivation and cold, people find strength in each other.

White Hunger is an epic and impressive play about the will to live, the fragility of structures, social inequality and the necessity of struggle. It is based on a novel of the same name by Aki Ollikainen, published in 2012. It has been adapted and directed for the Oulu Theatre by Oxi Koskelainen.

In Oulu, the world of White Hunger has been constructed using unprecedented means. With its deep dimensional effect and projected visuals, the set design turns the small stage into an enchanting futuristic space. The team has created an immersive work of art inspired by the world of video games, conceptual art and popular culture, among other genres.

Published in 2012, Aki Ollikainen’s debut novel Nälkävuosi was widely praised by critics and readers alike. Nälkävuosi received several awards and recognitions, such as the Helsingin Sanomat Literature Prize and a Finlandia Prize nomination in 2012, and the English translation White Hunger was shortlisted for the Man Booker International Prize in 2016.

Oxi Koskelainen, director

A native of Oulu, Oxi Koskelainen graduated as a Master of Arts (Theatre and Drama) from Uniarts Helsinki Theatre Academy in 2008. Koskelainen was one of the artistic directors of the Helsinki Student Theatre’s collective management team in 2010–2013. Since then, Koskelainen has created acclaimed works as a dramaturge-director for the likes of Kiasma Theatre, the Baltic Circle Festival, the Finnish Broadcasting Company’s Radioteatteri, and the Kokkola and Seinäjoki City Theatres.

His creations in Oulu have included Tornado, script by Miki Liukkonen, performed during the Oulu August Festivals in 2014 and Raivon historia (The History of Rage) about the history of poetry in Oulu, which was presented at Tukikohta in the city district of Välivainio in 2017.

Koskelainen is a visionary link between the worlds of institutional theatre, visual arts and performing arts. White Hunger is Koskelainen’s first play for the Oulu Theatre.

Shows and tickets


The play includes loud music, bright lights and theatrical smoke.

Artistic team


Valtteri Aaltonen
Annika Aapalahti
Jaana Kahra
Pentti Korhonen
Elviira Kujala
Timo Pesonen
Annina Rokka
Anne Syysmaa
Titta Toivanen
Henri Tuominen
Tuula Väänänen
Aki Artamonova
Niko Viitala


Aki Ollikainen

Original book by

Oxi Koskelainen

Adaptation and direction

Antti Leppäniemi

Set Design and visuals

Autuas Ukkonen

Costume Design

Antti Lindholm and Oxi Koskelainen

Sound Design

Mika Ryynänen

Light Design

Tero Takalo


Eija Juutistenaho

Make-up and hair design


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Show days for Aki and Juho

Thu 3.4.2025 7 pm Aki
Fri 4.4.2025 7 pm Aki
Fri 11.4.2025 7 pm Niko
Thu 24.4.2025 7 pm Aki
Wed 30.4.2025 7 pm Niko
Fri 2.5.2025 7 pm Aki
Sat 3.5.2025 7 pm Niko
Thu 8.5.2025 1 pm Aki
Fri 9.5.2025 7 pm Niko
Sat 10.5.2025 1 pm Niko
Thu 15.5.2025 7 pm Aki
Sat 17.5.2025 7 pm Aki
Sat 24.5.2025 7 pm Niko



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