Audience outreach programme

A bridge between the audience and the theatre

Audience outreach deepens the relationship between the audience and the theatre, and different ways of interacting with the audience can make the theatre a familiar and safe living room for all audience members, where they can come not only to watch productions but also to discuss, experiment and explore the theatre and the themes of its productions in more depth.

The audience outreach programme includes the following measures, for example:

  • Production presentations
  • Discussion events
  • Theatre tours
  • Workshops
  • Projects realised in collaboration with the audience
  • Collaboration with schools and day-care centres
  • Visits to a variety of events and the organisation of public events

Theatre for all


A lively after-work event that delves deep into important and evocative regional phenomena – a different way to start the weekend.

Organised once a month in the autumn, PikiTalk boldly tackles tough issues with themes drawn from the repertoire of the Oulu Theatre.

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Schools and day-care centres

Our collaboration with day-care centres and schools is versatile. Theatre tours, a Theatre Diploma and the sponsoring of schools introduce children to the world of theatre.

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Magic of stories!

A pleasant moment together with culture. In addition to coffee and a bun, a selection of art is on offer.

Past coffee and art events for the elderly have featured touching music and thought-provoking stories.

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Open Stage

Oulu Theatre’s event for young people. During Open Stage, the Pikisali stage is open to anyone, and all art forms are allowed.

On the open stage, you can perform music, a monologue, circus, stand up, dance, poetry, rap, spoken word, improvisation or air guitar!

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Art Testers

Oulu Theatre has been an Art Testers venue since 2017. Art Testers brings all eighth-graders into the world of art.

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Youth Stage

The highly popular Youth Stage gives young people the opportunity to make theatre under the guidance of professionals.

The attendees learn from the professionals about the different aspects of theatre from playwriting to staging and acting.

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Theatre course for young people

A new multicultural low-threshold theatre course for young people.

Young people (aged around 14 to 18) from different cultural backgrounds are accepted to the course. Both natives of Oulu and those who have recently moved here are welcome!

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Would you like to be included in a test audience?

We accept as test audiences non-profit associations that would otherwise not have access to the theatre. Please contact audience outreach manager Heidi Jäärni.

Click here for contact details.

Close to people

One of the most important objectives of the outreach programme is to bring the theatre close to people, to seek out and invite to the theatre those who are unfamiliar with its world. The purpose of the outreach programme is to see and hear people in order to lower the threshold of coming to the theatre and experience the magic of theatre together.

The aim of the outreach programme is interaction, and the programme can also address topical and socially relevant themes. The outreach programme enriches and broadens the experiences of people who are already active theatre-goers and offers a helping hand to those who find it difficult to become part of the “boldly renewing theatre for all”.

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